Sown To Grow offers 3 different sync options with Clever in your Sown To Grow class. You will see the following 3 options: Full Sync, Add Only, and No Sync. Please read the following to understand the differences. What are the different sync options for my Clever classroom?
To change the Clever Sync options in your Sown To Grow classroom:
1. Log in to Sown To Grow
2. Click on the Roster tab
3. Select to Manage Sync. *Note - you will notice on the left hand side, it will state which sync option you currently have selected.
3. Select which sync option you would prefer, and click to Save.
Please be aware that if the roster you are using in Sown To Grow does not match the roster being shared to Sown To Grow via Clever, this will cause your classroom to be automatically archived during the nightly syncs. If you find that your classroom has been archived, read the following article on How do I unarchive a classroom?