This permission allows teachers to enter or edit reflections on behalf of students to teachers of emerging readers, English Language Learners, students with special needs, or any other students who may need individualized support in order to complete their weekly check-in. This feature must be enabled for you by your schools primary admin.
1. Select the school module in the left hand side navigation bar. This will automatically take you to the reflections page. Click on Check in for student.
2. You will land on the check-in page for the selected student.
- A: Click on the students selected emoji choice
- B: Enter the student's reflection in the text box
- C: Click save to save the entry
3. Confirm the reflection has bee saved by checking the status next to the greyed out save button which will provide a time stamp
4. Any reflection submitted by a teacher for a student will state that it was entered by that teacher underneath the written reflection on the reflections page.
5. If a reflection needs to be edited, hover your mouse over the reflection and you will see the pencil icon populate showing the edit reflection option.
Students will also have it listed on their view when a reflection has been entered for them