For organizations using Sown to Grow linked with Google Workspace for Education, the Sown to Grow app will need to be approved by admin in the Google Workspace admin console for users under 18 to be able to access their Sown to Grow account.
1. Sign in to an administrator account in Google Workspace for Education.
2. On the home page, click Review apps from the App access control card.
3. Find Sown to Grow and click on Configure access.
For more thorough step-by-step instructions, visit this page in Google Workspace Admin Help.
All users at primary and secondary schools not designated as 18 and over will have an age-restricted experience. Google assumes all users are under 18 unless specified.
This means each Sown to Grow account linked with Google could be impacted by age-restrictions unless the account is marked as "over 18."
To learn how to update Google accounts for your organization, please explore this article from Google Workspace Help.