Schools and teachers can offer many subjects for the student's Weekly Academic Check-Ins!
If teachers create their own Weekly Academic Check-In module they can see all subjects and add/edit/remove them from their accounts.
However, if the module is school-managed teachers won't see the full list of classes available.
Students can select those school-managed subjects/classes from their account.
Step 1: Students log in to Sown To Grow
Step 2: Students must select the Weekly Academic Check-In module from the menu on the left of their screen. Once in the module, they will see all created subjects on their "To-Do" view.
Step 3: Have students navigate to the My Subjects tab. Here they can toggle off any subjects which they are not taking. Once the toggle button has been clicked (as indicated by the arrows below), the subject will turn grey indicating that the subject is "turned off".
Step 4: Have the students go back to their To-Do's tab and they will see their updated subjects list. Any classes toggled off will no longer populate for the student in this view.
Note: Students can toggle the classes on and off throughout the year.