Sown To Grow's SEL Module comes with built in Lessons for schools to utilize. To find these lessons:
1. Log in to Sown To Grow
2. Select the classroom you would like to go to, located on the left most navigation bar (as indicated by the arrow)
3. Select the SEL module. (Note: Module name may differ based on schools. Pay close attention to the icon for this module, the head with the gear inside)
4. Select the "Lessons" tab from the top navigation bar.
5. Select the SEL competency you would like to access the lessons for by click anywhere on the competency bar or the drop down arrow (shown in the circle below).
6. Click on the "Lesson Slides" hyperlink on the right hand side of the reflection prompt. This will open a new browser tab.
7. In your new browser tab, select to "View Lesson" for Elementary, Middle or High School. Once again, a new browser tab will open with your Lesson Slides.
You can now download or make a copy of these lessons slides! All Lesson Slides come with Teacher Notes as well for continued support throughout the lessons.
Note: For school managed modules, lesson slides will only be available if the monthly competency has been enabled.
Interested in the 6 week Launch Guide? Read the following article: How Do I find the Mini-Lessons (6-Week Launch Guide)?