Sown To Grow supports 4 types of student accounts: Google, Clever, ClassLink, and Standard (email/password combination) accounts. If your student has used Google, Clever or ClassLink to log in and forget their password, please contact your school or district's systems administrator for a password reset, as we do not manage those passwords.
If your students have Standard accounts you can follow these steps to reset their password:
1. Log into Sown To Grow
2. Select the classroom the student is in from the left navigation bar
3. Click on "Class Portal" in the left navigation
4. Click on the "Roster" tab
5. Find the student whose password you want to reset from the student list and click the vertical dots next to their name. Notice any students who created accounts with Google/Clever will not have vertical dots next to their name to click on:
6. Click "Update Password"
7. Fill out the form in the dialog that pops up with the new password, then click the "Update Password" button
Your student's password should now be reset at this point.