Individuals with school portal admin access have the ability to add new students at the school level and get students rostered to a class in Sown To Grow manually.
If the student is already connected to the school and only needs to be rostered (or re-rostered) to a teachers Sown To Grow classroom, skip to step 4.
1) Select Classrooms & users from the school portal home page
2) Click on the students page and select +Add new students
3) Add students by filling out the fields and clicking Add student.
Note: schools using Google, Clever, or ClassLink to login, don't need to include a password
Steps 4 - 6 will take you through how to add a student to a teachers classroom in Sown To Grow.
4) Select the Classrooms option from the Classrooms & users page. Select the vertical dots/action menu (kebab menu) for the classroom you would like to add the student(s) and select Add student(s)
5) Search for the student using the search menu and select Add students
Note: You will be notified of how many students you are adding to the class next to the add students button
6) You can verify the students classroom connection by either:
a) clicking on the teachers classroom tab to drop down and review the roster
b) Going to the Students page and searching for the newly added student. You will see their assigned teacher and classroom listed.